Resultados: 2

Impacto da COVID Longa na saúde do idoso

Rev Enferm UFPI; 11 (1), 2022
As vulnerabilidades inerentes ao processo de envelhecimento tornam os cidadãos longevos grupo de risco no contágio ao SARS-CoV-2. O sistema imunológico sofre com o envelhecer, a denominada imunossenescência, em que ocorre redução na capacidade de respo...

Prevalence of friction injury and associated factors in elderly in intensive therapy

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the prevalence of friction injuries and associated factors in the elderly admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Method: a cross-sectional analytical study, developed in an Intensive Care Unit of a Teaching hospital, with a sample of 101 elderly. Data collection was condu...